QuiltFab 2.0 is now available in the App Store and will do even more to help you determine how much fabric you need for some common backing, binding, border, and sashing fabric choices and construction methods for making quilts. The following new features are available.
The border feature has been expanded to include a couple new options, including pieced borders and a second border. The borders can be mitered or finished square. A mitered border, with the ends of each strip finished at an angle, requires more fabric. Other border options, including more than 2 borders, are beyond the scope of this tool.

If you are willing to piece the borders, we assume you will cut the border
strips on the crosswise grain, selvage to selvage. If you request unpieced borders, then the strips will be cut from lengths of fabric (parallel to the selvages). If you have directional prints, or want to center or match repeating motifs, additional fabric will be needed.

Plain blocks are often used as alternate blocks, or are used to make setting triangles. Within this tool, the number of blocks and their size do not need to "fit" into the quilt in any way: they are independent of the other details of your quilt project.

A quilt design may use sashing strips to separate the blocks within the quilt. Although these sashing strips may be cut and sewn to the sides of the individual blocks, still the amount of fabric required is only slightly less than if they were used as long strips, running horizontally and vertically across the quilt, up to, but not extending into any borders. This tool will determine the fabric needed for the long strips.
You can email the summary information so you have a permanent record of your choices and the resulting fabric needs.